《EMUA News》
  • Our Association Chairman meeting with Mr. Rashid Yerishev, Kazakhstan Consul General to Hong Kong & Macau
    2020-06-22 18:00:09


    On 22 June 2020 our Center Chairman Joseph Chan and Mr. Rashid Yerishev, Kazakhstan Consul General to Hong Kong & Macau talked about pandemic issues in the CIS region and how Hong Kong and Kazakhstan could work closer online and offline during and after the pandemic.
     Kazakhstan, a Central Asian country extends from the Caspian Sea in the west to the Altai Mountains at its eastern border with China and Russia. Its largest metropolis, Almaty, is a long-standing trading hub whose landmarks include Ascension Cathedral, a tsarist-era Russian Orthodox church, and the Central State Museum of Kazakhstan, displaying thousands of Kazakh artifacts.


To know more about the details of  Business Opportunities of Kazakhstan,

Please contact our Project Department.

Tel:(852)3690 1288  Email:info@hkemca.biz  Fax:(852)3521 0223